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Prolo facts and FAQ:


Prolotherapy is for elite athletes, weekend warriors and desk jockys. Its for anyone who wants to live uninhibited by pain.

How many treatments will I need?

Several treatments are often required (1-6), spaced apart by about two to six weeks in order to get the full benefit. Each treatment builds on the previous until the desired outcome is obtained.

On average most patients get 3 treatments in order to achieve optimal results.

Is there a way to optimize my treatment and/or protect my investment?

To optimize your treatment, your doctor might provide a ProloPrep program, which combines multiple layers of detox and balance to assure the success of your investment. This ProloPrep program is typically 1-3 months in duration and includes support with diet, supplementation, inflammation and hormones.


How many treatment areas can I get in a visit?

We typically address one joint/injury per visit though this can vary by case. Your initial visit will be a consult so no procedure will be performed at that point. You will receive all your pre and post treatment instructions and education during your consult as well as have all your questions answered- it helps to bring a notepad!


Is Prolotherapy covered by insurance?

Prolotherapy is not covered by insurance. Costs range from $200-700/treatment. The treatment strategy and cost will be clearly mapped out during your consultation with Dr. Weitz.

How long does the treatment take?

Treatments take approximately 1 hour and is performed on an out-patient basis. There is usually a 24-48 hour window of post-injection discomfort that can range from mild to more significant. You will be able to return to your daily activities immediately following treatment though we ask that you take at least 1 full week off of sports and vigorous exercise and return gently in the second week letting your body be your guide.


Am I a candidate?


Conditions that generally respond favorably to Prolotherapy:

Acute joint injuries, chronic joint pain, whiplash pain, chronic headaches, arthritis, torn meniscus, sciatica, mild herniated discs, sprained ankles, low back pain rotator cuff injuries/tears, shoulder or hip labral tears, sacroiliac Joint pain (acute or chronic), degenerative joint and disc disease, tennis/golfer’s elbow, unstable joints, ligamentous laxity, muscle spasms.

Prolotherapy treats many more conditions than listed above which can be discussed in your consult to determine whether you are a strong candidate.


Conditions that do NOT respond favorably to Prolotherapy:

Fibromyalgia, pain from autoimmune conditions, chronic myofascial pain syndromes, severely herniated discs, central spinal stenosis, complete rotator cuff tears, frank surgical conditions, pain from cancer.



Non-Surgical Facelift

The PRP facelift is the most natural, least painful and fastest healing facial enhancement. It uses your own blood to rejuvenate your look adding a big boost in volume, color and shape. You’ll get that refreshed, glowing look without the cost or down-time. It works using the benefits of concentrated growth factor and stem cells to stimulate collagen production, fill, firm and restore your youthful look.

Excellent for:

Reducing fine lines

Facial volume loss after weight loss

Facial volume loss due to aging

Reducing appearance of scars including acne

Increasing collagen production

Firming and shaping the skin

Improving skin color and texture




PRP for Facial and Hair Rejuvenation FAQ’s


What does PRP do?

PRP does a lot! It improves skin texture and helps with leathery fine lines, removes photo damage, which helps with hyperpigmentation, increases production and synthesis of new collagen, accelerates wound healing and helps improve acne scarring. PRP improves existing collagen resulting in enhanced tone and contour to give a glowy and dewy appearance to the skin and helps minimize pore sizes.


Is PRP new?

No. Platelet Rich Plasma was first used in cardiac surgery in 1987 to improve post-operative healing. The next area in medicine to adopt the therapy was dental surgery where it has been safely used for over 20 years. More recently it has been utilized in plastic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, implant surgery and spinal fusion surgery. Latest advancements in technology have allowed the positive outcomes from these applications to be replicated in the outpatient and clinical setting. SageMED is continually reviewing cutting-edge research to ensure that our PRP therapy protocols and techniques offer you the best possible outcome.

What system do you use?

Do your research!! Some medical practices and spas use lab tubes instead of the correct equipment so they only achieve 1.8 times the normal platelet concentration. We use the Emcyte system which achieves 5-8 times the normal platelet concentration resulting in a much more effective treatment.


How many treatments are required?

This will depend upon the health and age of you and your skin. Normally it is advised to have 2 – 3 treatments 4 to 6 weeks apart.

After that, the maintenance is one treatment every 6-12 months, depending on the health of your skin. Make sure you ask about our Package discounts to save money on your series.

How long do results last?

There is on-going improvement in your skin up to 12 months after each treatment, depending on the rate you grow collagen. It is suggested that you have follow up treatments at 12 months.


Are results immediate?

No. Though not significant, swelling and redness from the plasma will be visible at first and typically lasts only a few days- and sometimes as little as 1 day! Once this has subsided, you will not see much change until the platelets begin to stimulate the growth factors, which will assist in more collagen growth. This growth process is continuous for weeks after your procedure. So your look continues to improve daily and compounds when you get the next treatment.


What results can be expected?

Hydration improvement is visible at 2 to 3 weeks- this means that dewy glow becomes more and more obvious. Textural improvement is gradual over the next few months- so plan your treatment accordingly if you have a major event on the horizon. Though there is very little down time, your maximum results take a little while.

Advanced wrinkling cannot be reversed and a minimal improvement is predictable in persons with alcohol and tobacco abuse. We try to make sure you are an excellent candidate before the treatment so that we can best meet your expectations.

Sometimes severe scarring may not respond.

What are the side effects of PRP Facial Rejuvenation?

PRP is very safe.

At minimum, expect some mild swelling, bruising and redness for 12-24 hours. Though rare, some clients experience a headache.

Modest results may include feeling faint. A bruise at the venipuncture site may be visible for 2-3 days, similar to a typical blood draw.

What preparation is required for a PRP Treatment?

5 – 7 days before treatment, stop taking supplements that increase bruising and bleeding, namely:

Green Tea

Omegas (Fish Oils)

Evening Primrose oil



St John’s Wort

Vitamin E



Aspirin (after consulting your doctor )

Hydrate – drink water before and after your procedure.

Reduce your fat intake

Reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake (or eliminate entirely)

Two days before your treatment: drink 1 gallon of water

How long is the procedure from start to finish?

Approximately 60- 90 minutes

Which facial and body areas can be treated?

Around the eyes – Peri Orbital Rim

Cheeks and Mid face

Thinning skin on the neck

Jaw Line and Submalar

Back of hands


Other Body Areas knees, elbows, upper arms, hands, post baby tummy

Who cannot receive PRP Facial Rejuvenation?

Patients with severe skin disease, cancer, receiving chemotherapy, severe metabolic and systemic disorders, and abnormal platelet function (i.e. blood disorders). Anti-coagulation therapy and underlying sepsis HIV, some auto immune disease excludes the use of PRP.  We also do not recommend PRP treatment for those with current cystic acne, on Accutane or for pregnant women.

Consultation is required to assess whether or not you are a candidate.


How does the PRP hair restoration work?

Platelets have about 6-7 different growth factors. Adding growth factors helps kick start the dormant hair follicles where the hair loss appears. This increases the hair density and thickness.

Many people are on daily medications that help with hair loss but they can negative affect our system with side effects. (Herbals, biotin) etc., and many of those medication are taken life-long. Rogain and other topical creams are life-long and you have to use it every day. There is no scarring from PRP, unlike hair transplants.

Not everyone is a candidate for PRP hair restoration. We recommend coming in for a consult ahead of time to create a customized treatment plan for you.

We usually recommend 4 treatments spread 4-6 weeks apart. Maintenance should be done 1-2x/year after initial treatment series.

Does the hair restoration hurt?

Local anesthetic is used in the head to increase comfort. After expect mild swelling and mild headache that should resolve in 24 hours.

What are the risks and the aftercare for hair restoration?

You could experience swelling and/or a mild headache for up to 24 hours. You can wash your hair 4-6 hours after the treatment.

What other treatments can be done with PRP?

Other treatments that are evidence-based, which means there is research on them, are using PRP for dark pigmentation under the eyes and other facial injections, volume loss and poor skin quality in mid to lower face by mixing PRP with hyaluronic acid fillers, tightening the skin, diminishing stretch marks, wound healing, acne scarring and improving skin quality in the décolletage and hands.

What should I have done before any PRP treatment?

We will be extracting up to 60ml  of blood so stay hydrated, eat before and come with clean washed hair for hair restoration or a clean face for the PRP facial. We recommend drinking 1 gallon of water for 2 days prior to treatment. The visit generally takes 60-90 minutes so bring a bar or snack if it’s around the time you normally eat. It’s best to dress comfortably, as you’ll be reclining in a chair for the majority of the visit. You might also want to bring a book or magazine to enjoy in the downtime when we’re preparing your PRP.

Avoid blood thinning medications and supplements like ibuprofen, Excedrin, Aleve, Vitamin E, Fish oil, Aspirin, etc., 7-14 days before treatment.


Insert article on cortisone shots, why they don’t work

Insert research articles from Tyna’s site

List of Athletes who have Used PRP

Steph Curry

Problem: Knee Injury

How they Used Prolotherapy: Steph Curry went through platelet-rich prolotherapy on his sprained right knee. He later went on to play in the Finals against The Cavaliers.


Read article


Kobe Bryant

Problem: Knee and Shoulder

How they Used Prolotherapy: Kobe Bryant regularly took trips to Germany to receive PRP treatment when in his prime and contributes parts of his dominance in the sport to his regular retrieval of PRP.

Read article

Tiger Woods

Problem: Knee and Shoulder

How they Used Prolotherapy: In 2010, Tiger Woods used PRP to help rejuvenate his muscles and tendons before the master’s tour.

Read article


Alex Rodriguez

Problem: Various.

How they Used Prolotherapy: Throughout his career, Alex Rodrigues regularly injured anything from wrists and ankles to knees and shoulders and regularly sought help from PRP.

Read article



Rafael Nadal

Problem: Knee Injury.

How they Used Prolotherapy: Rafael Nadal came back from a 7-month injury layoff partially due to the help of his regular PRP treatments. He incorporated prolotherapy into the foundation of his recovery and came back to win the finals.

Read article


Condition-specific treatments:

Back and neck pain

Back and spinal pain is prevalent in the United States and accounts for greater than 3% of all emergency room visits. The pain can be chronic and dull, or cause spasms and shooting pains into the arms and down the legs. Sports medicine doctors are challenged with finding quick solutions which, ideally, do not cause further injury. Unfortunately, the options are not promising in traditional medicine—back braces, epidurals, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), and high velocity spinal adjustments become a crutch for many athletes with back and neck injuries. Often, these do not give long term pain relief, because they do not address the most common cause of back pain: ligament laxity, which allows for chronic subluxation and cervical instability. Strengthening the underlying cause of the pain with Prolotherapy can allow an athlete to return to sports quickly and safely.

Common diagnoses for which an athlete with back and neck pain would seek Prolotherapy include:

Bulging discs

Cervical instability and cracking

Degenerative disc disease


Herniated discs

Muscle spasms

Overmanipulation syndrome


Sacroiliac instability and subluxation


Knee pain

Knee pain is one of the most common reasons athletes or former athletes seek medical care. Traditional treatments for knee pain can include bracing, cortisone injections, exploratory surgery, and long periods of rest. Unfortunately, in most cases of chronic knee pain, relief is only temporary. This is because the origin of pain is not addressed, ligament instability. It is ligament instability which actually precedes the loss of cartilage in a knee. Treating the ligament instability with Prolotherapy encourages joint restoration and can eliminate the need for long term symptom management, making it an ideal non-surgical option for knee pain in athletes.

Common diagnoses for which an athlete with knee pain would seek Prolotherapy include:

ACL tear

Bone on bone osteoarthritis

Chondromalacia patella

Jumper’s knee

Knee instability and popping

MCL tear

Meniscus tear

PCL tear

Post-surgical knee pain

Runner’s knee


Foot and ankle pain

Foot and ankle injuries can sideline a runner or walker and can interfere with activities of daily living. The average patient with foot pain will travel from podiatrist to podiatrist, eventually landing in an orthopedic surgeon’s office, only to have suffered ill-fitting orthotics, steroid injections, and potentially staring down multiple surgeries. Weakness in the ankle joint, as well as through the foot and Achilles tendon attachments needs to be addressed. Prolotherapy strengthens the attachments over the course of treatment, addressing the genesis of the pain.

Common diagnoses for which an athlete with foot and ankle pain would see Prolotherapy include:

Achilles tendinopathy

Ankle arthritis

Chronic ankle sprains and instability

Morton’s neuroma

Plantar fasciitis

Post-surgical foot and ankle pain


Shoulder pain

Shoulder injuries make advancement in sports or a friendly backyard game of basebeball impossible. An unstable shoulder joint can strip an athlete’s swing or stroke of its power, and produce excruciating pain. This pain is a signal that the body needs repair to the shoulder region. Often this involves damage to the glenoid labrum, the supraspinatus tendon, or the rotator cuff tendon, among other shoulder structures. As these structures degenerate further with every practice or game, the pain typically worsens over time. With Prolotherapy, the goal is to stop and reverse the degeneration. The Prolotherapy injections stimulate repair of the painful shoulder joint, and its numerous attachments. As it heals, a person can continue to be active, making it an ideal option for shoulder pain in athletes.

Common diagnoses for which an athlete with shoulder pain would seek Prolotherapy include:


Frozen shoulder

Glenoid Labral tear

Impingement syndrome

Rotator cuff tear

Shoulder instability

Supraspinatus tear

Hip, pelvis, and hamstring pain

Pain in this area can be quite debilitating.When conservative treatments fail, including physical therapy, you may push through the pain or take anti-inflammatory medications to dull the pain enough to continue your sport or simply to get through the day. Training or exercise with a painful hip, or pain through the pelvic girdle will typically result in long term, more complicated pain. Athletes and who want to stay on the playing field and non-athletes who want to be mobile well into their eighth decade but not neglect an injury, are seeking alternative treatments for hip pain. Correcting the ligament function via Prolotherapy treatment, provides natural healing options for athletes with chronic hip and pelvic pain.

Common diagnoses for which an athlete with hip/pelvis pain would seek Prolotherapy include:

Groin strain

Hamstring tendinopathy

Ischial tuberosity pain

Pelvic instability or popping

Pubic symphysis dysfunction

Elbow, wrist, and hand pain

Elbow, wrist, and hand injuries frequently occur in racquet sports, as well as many repetitive motions such as hamering, knitting, typing and texting. Prolotherapy. Those who complain of frequent flare-ups of pain through the arms, wrists, and fingers and who are modifying their activities because of the pain through braces or NSAIDS are likely only putting a Band-Aid on the pain. By triggering the healing cascade, Prolotherapy can eliminate chronic pain and sprains of the elbows, wrists, and hands.

Common diagnoses for which an athlete with elbow pain would seek Prolotherapy for include:

Golfer’s Elbow

Tennis Elbow



Thumb pain

Wrist sprain

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